• Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective on Exporting ...

    On May 29, 2014, the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy announced the availability for public review and comment the report Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective on Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas from the United States (LCA GHG Report). The purpose of this LCA GHG Report is to provide additional information to the public and to DOE to inform its decisions regarding the ...

  • USDA Releases New Report on Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas ...

    Jan 12, 2017· WASHINGTON, Jan 12, 2017—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the release of a report studying the lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of corn ethanol. The report, A LifeCycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of CornBased Ethanol (PDF, 488 KB), finds that GHG emissions associated with cornbased ethanol in the United States are about 43 percent lower .

  • Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electricity ...

    Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electricity Generation. As clean energy increasingly becomes part of the national dialogue, lenders, utilities, and lawmakers need the most . comprehensive and accurate information on GHG emissions from various sources of energy to inform policy, planning, and investment decisions. The National Renewable ...

  • Energy use and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of ...

    Feb 13, 2018· Comparison of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions per package delivered for drone and ground vehicle pathways under base case assumptions. .

  • Canadian Oil Sands: LifeCycle Assessments of Greenhouse ...

    Canadian Oil Sands: LifeCycle Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Congressional Research Service extraction activities in Canada or the overall volume of crude oil transported to and refined in the United States. Scope and Purpose of This Report Congressional interest in the GHG emissions attributable to Canadian oil sands crudes has

  • Novel pathways for fuels and lubricants from biomass ...

    Jun 23, 2015· The development of renewable liquid fuels and bioproducts is critical to reducing global reliance on petroleum and mitigating climate change, particularly for applications where few lowcarbon alternatives exist. We combine chemical catalysis with lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) modeling to create a new platform for producing biobased aviation fuel and automotive lubricant base oils.

  • Life Cycle Assessment Harmonization | Energy Analysis | NREL

    The data showed that life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from technologies powered by renewable resources are generally less than from those powered by fossil fuelbased resources. The central tendencies of all renewable technologies are between 400 and 1,000 g CO 2 eq/kWh lower than their fossilfueled counterparts without carbon capture ...

  • Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Analysis of an Anaerobic ...

    Oct 06, 2014· Quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to implementation of AcoD is important to achieve this goal. A lifecycle analysis was performed on the basis of data from an onfarm AcoD in New York, resulting in a 71% reduction in GHG, or net reduction of kg CO 2 e/t influent relative to conventional treatment of manure and food waste.

  • LifeCycle Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for Scrap Tires

    Greenhouse Gases: A Life Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks, EPA530R02006, Chapter 7. 3 Crumb rubber used in rubber modified asphalt was not analyzed as a recycling option because it represents a diffuse percentage of total scrap tires recycled. Other structural uses for tires were also omitted due to lack of lifecycle data.

  • Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Nuclear Electricity ...

    Jun 04, 2015· Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Nuclear Electricity Generation: Systematic Review and Harmonization As clean energy increasingly becomes part of the national dialogue, lenders, utilities, and lawmakers need the most comprehensive and accurate information on GHG emissions from various sources of energy to inform policy, planning, and ...

  • Federal Register :: Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Perspective ...

    C. 2014 Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Report (LCA GHG Report) In 2014, DOE commissioned the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), a DOE applied research laboratory, to conduct an analysis calculating the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for LNG exported from the United States.

  • The Greenhouse Gas Impact of Gas to Liquids (GTL)

    The Greenhouse Gas Impact of GTL – An Industry View – Submission to CARB November 2008 Property of Chevron Holdings Limited and Chevron Consulting Limited – to be reproduced, and used only in accordance with the terms approved by, and with the written permission of said companies.

  • Lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of shale gas, natural ...

    Lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of shale gas, natural gas, coal, and petroleum Environ Sci Technol. 2012 Jan 17;46(2):61927. doi: /es201942m. Epub 2011 Dec 14. Authors Andrew Burnham 1, Jeongwoo Han, Corrie E Clark, Michael Wang, Jennifer B Dunn, Ignasi PalouRivera. Affiliation 1 Center for ...

  • A life cycle greenhouse gas inventory of a tree production ...

    A life cycle greenhouse gas inventory of a tree production system Alissa Kendall E. Gregory McPherson Received: 28 May 2011 /Accepted: 24 September 2011 # SpringerVerlag 2011 Abstract Purpose This study provides a detailed, processbased life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory of an ornamental tree production system for urban forestry. The ...
